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- //-------
- // Shoot
- //-------
- // Shoot at someone.
- //println "Shoot.scr called"
- waitexec "anim/default_inithandler.scr"
- waitexec anim/smoking.scr::SmokeRemoveCigarette
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::ReloadInit
- self weaponcommand mainhand attachtohand mainhand
- // Initialise say manager
- self waitthread anim/SayManager.scr::Init
- start:
- if (self.enemy)
- {
- local.distance = self.distancetoenemy
- if (local.distance < self.reallyshortrange)
- {
- waitexec anim/attack.scr::AttackDoMelee
- end
- }
- }
- // Need a fast crossblend so the shoot is snappy, which means we rely on the aim animation
- // lining up perfectly.
- self.blendtime = 0.10
- switch (self.position)
- {
- dead:
- println "ERROR SHOOT.SCR Error: Dead guy trying to shoot. This isn't meant to be Undying!"
- break
- stand:
- walk:
- run:
- switch (self.weapongroup)
- {
- // If this works, it should be able to handle most weapons:
- mp44:
- bar:
- thompson:
- mp40:
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_attack 5
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_stand_alert_legs")
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_shootauto") -60 60
- self waittill upperanimdone
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 NIL 1
- break
- rifle:
- pistol:
- bazooka:
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_attack 5
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_stand_alert_legs")
- //self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_shoot") -60 60
- waitexec anim/shoot.scr::PlayShootActionAnim
- self waittill upperanimdone
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 NIL 1
- break
- //bazooka:
- // self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_attack 5
- // self setmotionanim (rifle_stand_alert_legs)
- // self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_shoot") -60 60
- // self waittill upperanimdone
- // waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 NIL 1
- // break
- grenade:
- //println "Stand/Throw Grenade"
- self setmotionanim grenade_throw
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- break
- unarmed:
- self setmotionanim unarmed_stand_alert_legs
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- break
- default:
- println ("ERROR SHOOT.SCR Shoot Stand Default case for "+self.weapongroup+" weapon group - fix shoot.scr")
- //self setmotionanim aim_leg_stance
- //self setactionanim rifle_shoot -60 60
- self setmotionanim unarmed_stand_alert_legs
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- break
- }
- break
- crouch:
- crouch_walk:
- crouch_run:
- switch (self.weapongroup)
- {
- // autos - jbw
- bar:
- thompson:
- mp44:
- mp40:
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_attack 5
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crouch_alert")
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_shootauto") -60 60
- self waittill upperanimdone
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 NIL 1
- break
- bazooka:
- pistol:
- rifle:
- grenade:
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_attack 5
- switch (self.weapon)
- {
- case "springfield '03 sniper":
- case "mauser kar 98k":
- case "mauser kar 98d sniper":
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crouch_alert")
- self setactionanim kar98_shoot -60 60
- self waittill upperanimdone
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 1 1
- break
- default:
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_crouch_alert")
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_shoot") -60 60
- self waittill upperanimdone
- waitexec anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 0 1
- break
- }
- break
- default:
- println ("ERROR SHOOT.SCR Shoot Crouch Default case for "+self.weapongroup+" weapon group - fix shoot.scr")
- self setmotionanim rifle_crouch_alert
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- break
- }
- break
- prone:
- prone_walk:
- switch (self.weapongroup)
- {
- pistol:
- rifle:
- mp40:
- mp44:
- bar:
- thompson:
- //println "Prone/Fire SMG"
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_attack 5
- self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_prone_legs")
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_prone_shoot") -60 60
- self waittill upperanimdone
- break
- bazooka:
- // Need to crouch first (aim should take care of this)
- println "ERROR SHOOT.SCR Tried to shoot bazooka while prone. Going to crouch first"
- waitexec anim/crouch.scr::transition
- self thread anim/SayManager.scr::SayManager face_attack 5
- self setmotionanim (bazooka_crouch_alert)
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_aim") -60 60
- wait self.blendtime
- self.position = crouch
- goto start
- grenade:
- //println "Prone/Fire Grenade"
- //what is grenade_prone_attack_straight ?
- self setmotionanim grenade_prone_throw_straight // broken legs
- self waittill flaggedanimdone
- break
- default:
- println ("ERROR SHOOT.SCR Shoot Prone Default case for "+self.weapongroup+" weapon group - fix shoot.scr")
- break
- }
- break
- knees:
- crawl:
- floor:
- // Incapacitated, so we can't shoot.
- println "ERROR SHOOT.SCR Trying to shoot while in pain."
- waitexec anim/idle.scr
- goto start
- default:
- println ("ERROR SHOOT.SCR Shoot Default case for "+self.position+" position - fix shoot.scr")
- waitexec anim/idle.scr
- goto start
- }
- end
- //=============================================================
- //=============================================================
- PlayShootActionAnim:
- self.playedhipshootanim = 0
- switch (self.weapon)
- {
- case "springfield '03 sniper":
- case "mauser kar 98k":
- case "mauser kar 98d sniper":
- //NOTE: self.hipshootdistance set in default_inithandler.scr
- if (self.distancetoenemy < self.hipshootdistance)
- {
- self setactionanim kar98_hipshot -60 60
- self.playedhipshootanim = 1
- }
- else
- {
- if (self.roundsinclip <= 1)
- {
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_shoot") -60 60
- }
- else
- {
- self setactionanim kar98_shoot -60 60
- }
- }
- break
- default:
- self setactionanim (self.weapongroup + "_shoot") -60 60
- break
- }
- end
- //=================================================
- //=================================================
- CanShoot:
- if (self.enemy != NULL)
- {
- // check angle
- local.vec = self.enemy.origin - self.origin
- local.vec[2] = 0.0
- local.vec = vector_normalize(local.vec)
- local.angle = local.vec * self.forwardvector
- if (local.angle > 0.95 && (self cansee self.enemy)) // ~10deg
- {
- self.canshoot = 1
- }
- else
- {
- self.canshoot = 0
- }
- }
- else
- {
- self.canshoot = 0
- }
- end